1.     In this disclaimer we mean by:
·       The website or the webpage(s): every webpage in which the owner inserts a hyperlink to this disclaimer with the intention to relate this disclaimer to it;
·       The owner: the authorized publisher of this website;
·       Use / the use / utilize: among other things to load, to log in, to request, to consult, to read, to see, to listen, to manipulate, to fill in (forms), to send, (temporary) copying, to save, to forward, to spread, to use services, committing legal acts (such as to buy or to hire);
·       You: the whether or not represented individual or corporation that uses the website;
·       The contents: amongst others the text, pictures, figures, hyperlinks, video or sound fragments, and/or other objects;
·       Damage: direct or indirect damage of any kind, including lost data and lost causes, loss of turnover, loss of profit or any other economical damage.
2.     The text underneath is applicable to the website. By using this website you agree with this disclaimer.
3.     The owner of the website strives for current and/or complete contents of the website regularly. Despite this care and attention there is the possibility that the contents are incomplete and/or incorrect.
4.     The owner of the website provides the contents of the web pages in the state in which it is actually shown, without guarantee or warrant regarding validity, reliability or capability towards any certain goal or otherwise. The contents is experimental and meant for private use only.
5.     The owner cannot be held responsible for damage that occurred, is to be inflicted or in any way results from the use of this website or relates to the (in)ability to see this website.
6.     The owner is allowed to change or end this website at its own discretion, with or without previous warning. The owner cannot be held responsible for the results of change or termination.
7.     Subject to this disclaimer, the owner is not responsible for (obvious) linked files of other persons or companies to this website. By linking the pages the owner does not confirm the contents of the linked files.
8.     Unauthorized or inappropriate use of the website or the contents of it can lead to violation of intellectual rights, regulations regarding privacy, publication and/or communication in every sense.  You as a user are personally responsible for everything you send from this website.
9.     The owner reserves the right to deny you allowance to use the website and/or to utilize certain services presented on the website. According to that the owner is able to monitor access to the website.
10.  The owner, his employees, representatives, license holders, partners in trade and the author of this website have to be protected and safeguarded by you against legal and extrajudicial action, convictions etc. inclusive of the costs of legal assistance, accountants etc. initiated by others as a result of or related to your use of this website, your infringement to whatever legislation or rights of third parties.